South Dakota Herpetological Literature
compiled by: Drew R. Davis
last updated: 28 December 2022
Publications included in this list involve South Dakota specimens of amphibians and reptiles or are focused on South Dakota herpetofauna. Types of documents included are: 1) published research papers appearing in peer-reviewed journals, 2) popular and scientific articles appearing in non-peer-reviewed publications, 3) books, 4) published or unpublished reports to or from governmental agencies, 5) theses or dissertations, and 6) published abstracts. Articles from Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News or South Dakota Conservation Digest were included if they presented original data, discussed results of herpetological studies, or provided photographs or information relevant to amphibians and reptiles in South Dakota. The bibliography includes references compiled from earlier efforts by Dunlap ([no date]. A partial bibliography of papers which deal with amphibians and reptiles in South Dakota. Privately published, [no locality]. Unpaginated [7 pp.].) and Smith and Quinn (2012. Threats, management, and suggested harvest and collection policy for herpetofauna of South Dakota. Final report to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. Unpaginated [308 pp.]). I appreciate their earlier efforts in compiling literature, which I have been able to expand upon.
Ageton, M., B. Smith, E. Callegari, S. Mackessy, and J. Nies. 2012. Venom proteomics of the prairie rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 5:8.
Ageton, M., B. Smith, E. Callegari, S. Mackessy, and J. Nies. 2012. Venom proteomics of the prairie rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 91:223.
Amberg, S., K. Kilkus, S. Gardner, J. E. Gross, and B. Drazkowski. 2012. Badlands National Park: climate change vulnerability assessment. Natural Resource Report NPS/BADL/NRR—2012/505. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. xxx + 304 pp.
Anderson, D. L. 1967. Summer polysaccharide and lipid reserves in Bufo cognatus. Ph.D. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. [9] + 98 pp.
Anderson, P. 1947. Observations on the denning habits of the prairie rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis viridis (Rafinesque). Natural History Miscellanea No. 9:1–2.
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Herpetology surveys for South Dakota’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [2 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Status and distribution of turtles and turtle nests in southeastern South Dakota]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [2 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Prevalence of an emerging disease in South Dakota amphibian populations]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [2 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Threats, management, and suggested harvest and collection policy of herpetofauna of South Dakota]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [2 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Status of salamander species in South Dakota]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [1 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – Wildlife Diversity Small Grant [Surveys for the state-endangered lined snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum) along the lower James River Valley]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [1 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Surveys for false map turtles and identification of key nesting sites in the upper Missouri River of South Dakota]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [1 pp.].
Anonymous. [no date]. Project highlight – SD State Wildlife Grant [Surveys for false map turtles and identification of key nesting sites in the upper Missouri River of South Dakota]. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. Unpaginated [1 pp.].
Anonymous. 1951. Freak rattlesnake found near Philip. South Dakota Conservation Digest 18(11):13.
Anonymous. 1970. Snapping turtles: friend, foe, food and foil. South Dakota Conservation Digest 37(1):18–19.
Anonymous. 1971. The cover. South Dakota Conservation Digest 37[38]:inside cover.
Anonymous. 1973. The covers. South Dakota Conservation Digest 40(4):inside cover.
Anonymous. 1986. South Dakota Naturally Photo Contest. South Dakota Conservation Digest 53(1):12–17.
Anonymous. 1990. Biological assessment Missouri National Recreational River. U.S. National Park Service, Midwest Region and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Omaha, Nebraska. ii + 48 pp.
Anonymous. 1993. School rattled by snakes. N.C.S. News 1(3):3.
Anonymous. 1993. Rattlesnakes Americana. N.C.S. News 1(4):3,7.
Anonymous. 1994. Final environmental assessment for endangered species habitat improvement/creation in the Missouri River between the Niobrara River and Ponca, Nebraska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Omaha, Nebraska. [1] + 15 pp. + [55].
Anonymous. 1994. Creepin’ lizards! Snakes cancel school. Intermontanus 3:1.
Anonymous. 2000. South Dakota. A Field Guide to South Dakota Amphibians. Library Journal 125:57.
Anonymous. 2011. Black Hills redbelly snake research. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:16.
Anonymous. 2011. Grant awarded to study anthropogenic threats to reptiles and amphibians in South Dakota. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:16.
Anonymous. 2011. Cricket frog hibernacula. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:17.
Anonymous. 2011. Turtle sign completion at Custer State Park. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:17.
Anonymous. 2011. Summer 2011 sightings by the cave crew. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:18.
Anonymous. 2011. Pale milksnake in Meade County, SD. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:18.
Anonymous. 2011. Oglala Lakota College students present posters at The Wildlife Society annual conference. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:19.
Anonymous. 2011. “Garden variety” snapping turtle. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:19.
Anonymous. 2011. Herpetology course taught at Oglala Lakota College. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 4:19–20.
Anonymous. 2011. Final environmental assessment addressing the privatization of military family housing at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota. Final report to U.S. Air Force, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, and Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota. Unpaginated [232 pp.].
Anonymous. 2012. Revised draft environmental assessment addressing activities associated with development of a regional wastewater treatment plan Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota. Final report to U.S. Air Force, Headquarters Air Combat Command, and Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota. Unpaginated [128 pp.].
Anonymous. 2013. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. An Introduction to Plants and Animals. Waterford Press, Inc., [no locality]. Unpaginated fold-out chart.
Anonymous. 2016. Snapping turtle. South Dakota Conservation Digest 83(4):30.
Anonymous. 2016. State and federally listed threatened, endangered and candidate species documented in South Dakota by county. Updated on 07/19/2016. Privately published, [no locality]. Unpaginated [9 pp.].
Ashton, D. E. and E. M. Dowd. 1991. Fragile Legacy: Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Animals of South Dakota. First edition. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. 53 pp. + [2].
Ashton, D. E. and E. M. Dowd. 1994. Fragile Legacy: Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Animals of South Dakota. First edition. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. 53 pp. + [2].
Ashton, D. E. and E. M. Dowd. 2006. Fragile Legacy: Rare Animals of South Dakota. Second edition. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. 47 pp. + [3].
Ashton, D. E. and E. M. Dowd. 2008. Fragile Legacy: Rare Animals of South Dakota. Third edition. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. 46 pp. + [4].
Ashton, R. E., Jr (compiler). 1976. Endangered and Threatened Amphibians and Reptiles in the United States. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular 5. v + 86 pp.
Austin, S. D., J. L. Kerby, and D. R. Davis. 2017. Distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from Lake Oahe, South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 48:817–820.
Bachen, D. A. and B. A. Maxell. 2014. Distribution and status of bird, small mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, South Dakota Field office-BLM. Final report to Bureau of Land Management, South Dakota Field Office. vii + 25 pp. + [41].
Backlund, D. 1992. South Dakota Natural Heritage Program…and your natural heritage. South Dakota Conservation Digest 59(4):12–16.
Backlund, D. 1994. The wood frog. South Dakota Conservation Digest 61(1):20–21.
Backlund, D. 1994. Blanding’s turtle. South Dakota Conservation Digest 61(3):18–19.
Backlund, D. 1996. Gray treefrogs. South Dakota Conservation Digest 63(5):16–17.
Backlund, D. 1998. The eastern short-horned lizard. South Dakota Conservation Digest 65(1):20–21.
Backlund, D. 1999. Once in a blue frog? South Dakota Conservation Digest 65(1):21.
Backlund, D. 1998. The ornate box turtle. South Dakota Conservation Digest 65(4):22–23.
Backlund, D. 1999. The six-lined racerunner. South Dakota Conservation Digest 66(2):24–25.
Backlund, D. 2000. Smooth green snake. South Dakota Conservation Digest 67(1):22–23.
Backlund, D. 2000. Sand lizards—the northern prairie lizard. South Dakota Conservation Digest 67(3):22–23.
Backlund, D. 2000. The lined snake. South Dakota Conservation Digest 67(5):22–23.
Backlund, D. 2002. The northern cricket frog. South Dakota Conservation Digest 69(1):26–27.
Backlund, D. 2004. The Black Hills redbelly snake. South Dakota Conservation Digest 71(1):22–23.
Backlund, D. 2005. South Dakota statewide herpetology survey 2004. Final report to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. 68 pp.
Backlund, D. 2008. Conservation concerns about South Dakota amphibians and reptiles. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 1(1):2.
Backlund, D. 2009. Spring chorus. South Dakota Conservation Digest 76(2):28–29.
Backlund, D. 2013. Snapping turtle preys on duck. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 6:7.
Bailey, R. M. and M. K. Bailey. 1941. The distribution of Iowa toads. Iowa State College Journal of Science 15:169–177.
Ballinger, R. E., J. W. Meeker, and M. Thies. 2000. A checklist and distribution maps of the amphibians and reptiles of South Dakota. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 26:29–46.
Bandas, S. J. 2003. Geographical distribution and morphometrics of South Dakota turtles. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. xiv + 106 pp.
Bandas, S. J. and K. F. Higgins. 2004. Field Guide to South Dakota Turtles. SDCES EC 919. South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. 36 pp.
Bandas, S. J. and K. F. Higgins. 2006. Morphometrics of six turtle species from South Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist 38:213–222.
Bartels, D. 2019. Wildlife in city limits. Capital Journal, 9 July 2019.
Beauchamp, B. 2007. Herpetofauna survey 2007 Samuel H. Ordway Prairie Preserve McPherson County, South Dakota. Final report to The Nature Conservancy. Unpaginated [5 pp.].
Beauclerc, K. B., B. Johnson, and B. N. White. 2010. Distinctiveness of declining northern populations of Blanchard’s cricket frog (Acris blanchardi) justifies recovery efforts. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88:553–566.
Beckwith, M. W. 1930. Mythology of the Oglala Dakota. The Journal of American Folklore 43:339–442.
Berg, F. M. 1982. South Dakota. Land of Shining Gold. Flying Diamond Books, Hettinger, North Dakota. 176 pp.
Bever, G. S. 2005. Variation in the ilium of North American Bufo (Lissamphibia: Anura) and its implications for species-level identification of fragmentary anuran fossils. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25:548–560.
Blais, B. 2015. Phylogeography of the smooth greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis. M.S. Thesis, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, South Dakota. v + 81 pp.
Blais, B. 2017. Lithobates pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog). Freeze intolerance. Herpetological Review 48:165.
Blais, B., C. Bubac, and B. Smith. 2015. Pseudacris maculata (Boreal Chorus Frog). Calling phenology. Herpetological Review 46:416–417.
Blanchard, F. N. 1921. A revision of the king snakes, genus Lampropeltis. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 114:vi + 1–260.
Blanchard, F. N. 1942. The ring-neck snakes, genus Diadophis. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 7:1–144.
Boddicker, M. L. and J. Simpson. 1971. Camp out on Potato Creek… Chester students go to the badlands for some practical environmental education. South Dakota Conservation Digest 38(6):24–25.
Bolek M. G. and J. Janovy, Jr. 2007. Evolutionary avenues for, and constraints on, the transmission of frog lung flukes (Haematoloechus spp.) in dragonfly second intermediate hosts. The Journal of Parasitology 93:593–607.
Boulenger, G. A. 1882. Description of an apparently new species o lizard of the genus Sceloporus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 50:761–762, 1 plate.
Brazell, J. 2010. A good day to be a six-lined racerunner. South Dakota Conservation Digest 77(4):26–27.
Brockman, J., J. Eldridge, J. Shultz, and E. Stewart. 2009. Herpetofauna survey 2009 Samuel H. Ordway Memorial Prairie Preserve McPherson County, SD. Final report to The Nature Conservancy. Unpaginated [13 pp.].
Bronikowski, A. M. and S. J. Arnold. 2001. Cytochrome b phylogeny does not match subspecific classification in the western terrestrial garter snake, Thamnophis elegans. Copeia 2001:508–513.
Brown, J. 2010. Frog swabbers for chytrid (Bd) sample collection. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 3(1):12.
Brown, J. 2011. Impacts of chytrid fungus and contaminants on amphibians of the Missouri River. M.S. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. v + 65 pp.
Brown, J. and J. Kerby. 2013. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in South Dakota, USA amphibians. Herpetological Review 44:457–458.
Brown, J. R., T. Miiller, and J. L. Kerby. 2013. The interactive effect of an emerging infectious disease and an emerging contaminant on Woodhouse’s toad (Anaxyrus woodhousii) tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:2003–2008.
Brundige, G. C. 2018. Draft environmental assessment (EA) for prescribed fire for vegetation management on Ellsworth Air Force Base. Final Report to Ellsworth Air Force Base. Unpaginated [26 pp.].
Bubac, C., B. Blais, and B. Smith. 2017. Lithobates pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog). Breeding behavior. Herpetological Review 48:165.
Buitron, D. 1988. Female and male specialization in parental care and its consequences in black-billed magpies. The Condor 90:29–39.
Bunn, J. 2009. Snake effect lives on: back-feeding and bull snake incident reveals deficiencies. Capital Journal, 5 August 2009.
Burdick, S. 2008. Seasonal status and distribution of Blanchard’s cricket frog in South Dakota. M.S. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. vii+ 35 pp.
Burdick, S. L. and D. L. Swanson. 2010. Status, distribution and microhabitats of Blanchard’s cricket frog Acris blanchardi in South Dakota. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:9–16.
Burroughs, R. D. (ed.). 1995. The Natural History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, Michigan. xx + [4] + 340 pp.
Burt, C. E. 1931. A study of the teiid lizards of the genus Cnemidophorus with special reference to their phylogenetic relationships. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 154:viii + 1–286.
Burt, C. E. 1932. Records of amphibians from the eastern and central United States (1931). The American Midland Naturalist 13:75–85.
Burt, C. E. 1935. Further records of the ecology and distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the middle west. The American Midland Naturalist 16:311–336.
Burt, C. R. and M. D. Burt. 1929. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from the Mississippi Valley, with field observations. American Museum Novitates 381:1–14.
Burt, C. R. and M. D. Burt. 1929. Field notes and locality records on a collection of amphibians and reptiles chiefly from the western half of the United States. II. Reptiles. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 19:448–460.
Burt, C. E. and W. L. Hoyle. 1934. Additional records of the reptiles of the Central Prairie Region of the United States. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 37:193–216.
Busack, S. D. 1977. Geographic distribution: Hyla crucifer (spring peeper). Herpetological Review 8:13.
Buser, J. B., II. 1973. Variation in the skink Eumeces septentrionalis in eastern South Dakota. M.A. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. [2] + ii + 35 pp.
Butterfield, M. M. 2018. Surveillance of Ranavirus and characterization of gut bacterial microbiome in false map turtles (Graptemys pseudogeographica) within the Missouri River in South Dakota. IdeaFest 2018. Hosted by the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, 4–5 April 2018.
Butterfield, M. M. 2019. Surveillance of Ranavirus and bacterial microbiome characterization of false map turtles (Graptemys pseudogeographica) along the lower Missouri River, USA. Honors Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. [7] + 63 pp.
Butterfield, M. M., D. R. Davis, J. D. Madison, and J. L. Kerby. 2019. Surveillance of Ranavirus in false map turtles (Graptemys pseudogeographica) along the lower Missouri River, USA. Herpetological Review 50:76–78.
Cabarle, K. C. 2009. DARN open forum. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 2(1):4–5.
Cahoe, R. D. and N. H. Troelstrup, Jr. 2004. Habitat use and population biology of the northern redbelly snake at Oaklake Field Station, SD. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 83:137–147.
Cahoe, R. D. and N. H. Troelstrup, Jr. 2005. Descriptive characteristics of a red-bellied snake population at Oak Lake Field Station. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 84:365.
Campbell, K. 2019. Modeling amphibian diversity and distributions in the upper Missouri River basin using machine learning. P. 64 in Program and Abstracts. IdeaFest 2019. Hosted by the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, 3–4 April 2019.
Carlson, B. N. and C. R. Berry, Jr. 1990. Population size and economic value of aquatic bait species in palustrine wetlands of eastern South Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist 22:119–128.
Carrels, P. 1988. A natural act. South Dakota Conservation Digest 55(3):6–7.
Carson, C. N., III. 1996. Diet and olfaction in tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum (Green). M.A. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. vi + 76 pp.
Chace, E. 1968. Serpentes. South Dakota Conservation Digest 35(3):7–9.
Chace, G. E. 1971. The reptiles of Paha Sapa: a herpetologist’s report from the Black Hills of South Dakota. Animal Kingdom 8:20–28.
Chace, G. E. and H. M. Smith. 1968. Two additional examples of Gloyd’s linked albinism in the prairie rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis. Journal of Herpetology 2:165–166.
Chiszar, D. and H. M. Smith. 1993. Geographic distribution: Bufo woodhousii woodhousii (Woodhouse’s toad). Herpetological Review 24:153.
Chiszar, D. and H. M. Smith. 1993. Geographic distribution: Chrysemys picta bellii (western painted turtle). Herpetological Review 24:154.
Chiszar, D. and H. M. Smith. 1993. Geographic distribution: Coluber constrictor flaviventris (eastern yellowbelly racer). Herpetological Review 24:155.
Chiszar, D. and H. M. Smith. 1993. Geographic distribution: Pituophis catenifer sayi (bullsnake). Herpetological Review 24:156.
Chiszar, D., D. Featherman, R. Fuerst, and H. M. Smith. 1994. Observations on the herpetofauna of the Indian Reservations of southwestern South Dakota. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 29:269–270.
Chrapliwy, P. S. and J. S. Findley. 1956. Records of the central plains spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus bombifrons Cope, in South Dakota and Wyoming. Herpetologica 12:124.
Claflin, W. J. 1962. Larval growth and development of Pseudacris nigrita triseriata and Rana pipiens in semi-permanent ponds in south-eastern South Dakota. M.A. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. [5] + 45 pp.
Clapp, J. R. 1977. Wildlife habitat evaluation of the unchannelized Missouri River in South Dakota. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. [7] + v + 114 pp.
Clark, C. 1974. The Badlands. Time-Life Books Inc., Chicago, Illinois. 184 pp.
Clark, J. 2015. Meeting snakes in hunters’ paradise. Capital Journal, 22 October 2015.
Collins, J. T., D. Backlund, S. L. Collins, and T. W. Taggart. 2005. An herpetofaunal survey of Custer State Park, Custer County, South Dakota. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 15:17–30.
Congdon, J. D. and D. A. Keinath. 2006. Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii): a technical conservation assessment. Final report to Species Conservation Project, Rocky Mountain Region, USDA Forest Service. 54 pp.
Cooper, J. C. 1860. Report upon the reptiles collected on the survey. Pp. 292–306 + 11 plates in Reports of Explorations and Surveys to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, Volume 12, Part 3, Zoological Report. Washington, D.C.
Cope, E. D. 1889. Batrachia of North America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 34:1–525, 86 plates.
Cottingham, L. and B. E. Smith. 2006. An inventory of amphibians and reptiles of the Black Hills of South Dakota. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 85:296.
Cottingham, L. B. E. Smith, C. Anderson, and S. Sarver. 2006. Genetic variance in the smooth green snake, Opheodrys vernalis, in South Dakota. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 85:297.
Coues, E. (ed.). 1965. History of the Expedition under the Command of Lewis and Clark. Volumes 1–3. Dover Publications, Inc., New York, New York. cxxxii + 1364 pp.
Coues, E. and H. C. Yarrow. 1878, Notes on the herpetology of Dakota and Montana. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey 4:259–291.
Crowley, K. R. 2015. Wildlife in the Badlands. Lodge Trail Media, Hudson, Wisconsin. Unpaginated [80 pp.].
Dahling, U. 1944. Frog crop good. South Dakota Conservation Digest 11(8):9.
Daniel, D. 2003. Horton offers animal facts, dispels some myths. Capital Journal, 14 November 2003.
Darrow, T. D. 1961. Food habits of western painted and snapping turtles in southeastern South Dakota and eastern Nebraska. M.A. Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. [3] + 35 pp. + [2].
Davis, D. R. 2014. Detection of the lined snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum) in the Cactus Hills area of South Dakota. Final report to HDR, Inc. 11 pp. + [4].
Davis, D. R. 2015. Effects of agricultural tile drainage on wetland communities. P. 84 in Program and Abstracts. IdeaFest 2015. Hosted by the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, 15–16 April 2015.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Understanding the effects of the herbicide glyphosate on the microbiome of the false map turtle. IdeaFest 2018. Hosted by the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, 4–5 April 2018.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Effects of agricultural tile drainage on wetland habitats and species. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. xii + 204 pp.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Geographic distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 49:76.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Mapping amphibians and reptiles of South Dakota. South Dakota Conservation Digest 85(3):34–37.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from the lower James River Valley, South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 49:720–721.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Surveys for the state-endangered lined snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum) along the lower James River Valley. Final report to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. 25 pp.
Davis, D. R. 2018. Red-bellied snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) copulation in South Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist 50:72–73.
Davis, D. R. 2020. Frogs and toads of South Dakota. South Dakota Conservation Kids 87(2):2–3.
Davis, D. R. 2020. Geographic distribution: Heterodon nasicus (plains hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 51:780.
Davis, D. R. 2020. New resources and continued engagement to better inform the public on the amphibians and reptiles of South Dakota. Final report to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. 38 pp.
Davis, D. R. 2021. New amphibian and reptile distribution records from eastern South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 52:97–99.
Davis, D. R. and D. C. Backlund. 2017. Chelydra serpentina (snapping turtle). Diet. Herpetological Review 48:174–175.
Davis, D. R. and D. C. Backlund. 2019. Rana pipiens (northern leopard frog). Predation. Herpetological Review 50:342–343.
Davis, D. R. and J. K. Farkas. 2018. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from South Dakota, USA from 2017. Herpetological Review 49:288–295.
Davis, D. R. and J. K. Farkas. 2019. Chrysemys picta (painted turtle). Basking behavior. Herpetological Review 50:770.
Davis, D. R. and C. J. Guadiana. 2022. New records of amphibians and reptiles from south-central South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 53:90–92.
Davis, D. R. and J. L. Kerby. 2013. Establishing a herpetological natural history collection at the University of South Dakota. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 6:9.
Davis, D. R. and J. L. Kerby. 2014. Impacts of agricultural tile drainage on ranavirus prevalence in eastern tiger salamanders. P. 105. in Program and Abstracts. IdeaFest 2014. Hosted by the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, 8–9 April 2014.
Davis, D. R. and B. Schardin. 2020. Opheodrys vernalis (smooth greensnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 51:874.
Davis, D. R. and D. R. Skadsen. 2020. Distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from the Prairie Coteau, South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 51:89–90.
Davis, D. R. and M. B. Zimmer. 2017. Geographic distribution: Opheodrys vernalis (smooth greensnake). Herpetological Review 48:129–130.
Davis, D. R., J. L. Kerby, and M. S. Schwarz. 2013. Evaluation of agricultural tile drainage exposure and effects on wetland communities. Dakota Amphibian and Reptile News 6:7.
Davis, D. R., K. J. Ferguson, A. D. Koch, E. A. Berg, J. R. Vlcek, and J. L. Kerby. 2016. New amphibian and reptile county records from eastern South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 47:267–270.
Davis, D. R., L. M. Jackson, S. R. Siddons, and J. L. Kerby. 2016. Rana blairi (plains leopard frog). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 47:648.
Davis, D. R., J. K. Farkas, R. E. Johannsen, K. M. Leonard, and J. L. Kerby. 2017. Distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 48:133–137.
Davis, D. R., J. K. Farkas, J. L. Kerby, and M. W. Dahlhoff. 2017. Coluber constrictor (North American racer). Predation. Herpetological Review 48:446–447.
Davis, D. R., J. K. Farkas, R. E. Johannsen, and G. A. Maltaverne. 2017. Historic amphibian and reptile county records from South Dakota, USA. Herpetological Review 48:394–406.
Davis, D. R., C. E. Smith, and D. Becker. 2018. Creating online resources to engage South Dakota citizens in amphibian and reptile identification, distribution, and conservation. Final report to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. 49 pp.
Davis, D. R., K. J. Ferguson, M. S. Schwarz, and J. L. Kerby. 2020. Effects of agricultural pollutants on stress hormones and viral infection in larval salamanders. Wetlands 40:577–586.
Davis, D. R., O. D. McElroy, and D. R. Skadsen. 2020. Geographic distribution: Rana sylvatica (wood frog). Herpetological Review 51:770–771.
Davis, M. A., M. R. Douglas, M. L. Collyer, and M. E. Douglas. 2016. Deconstructing a species-complex: geometric morphometric and molecular analyses define species in the western rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis). PLoS ONE 11:e0146166.
Del Fosse, E. S. 1973. Amphibians and Reptiles of South Dakota: a Manual of Identification and Species Distribution. Third revision. Privately published, Gainesville, Florida. [2] + 34 pp.
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